Goodall Barnett James Limited are trading/practicing as Goodall Barnett James which is registered in England & Wales with the registered number 12202311. The registered office of Goodall Barnett James, 7A High Street, Horley, Surrey RH6 7BE and full contact details are available on our Contact Us page.

Goodall Barnett James is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority of England & Wales number 665226 and is subject to its practice rules, regulations and codes of practice. The Solicitors Regulation Authority’s Code of Conduct can be found at

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Any material published on this website is for general information purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal or other professional advice. You should seek specific legal advice in relation to any particular matter. Goodall Barnett James accepts no responsibility for loss which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site.

Email addresses are provided on this website for the purposes of pursuing the business of Goodall Barnett James. By accessing this site you agree not to send unsolicited email for the purposes of advertising or market research to the email addresses provided. This legal disclaimer and all issues regarding this website are governed by English law.

Please also see our Terms and Conditions. The VAT registration number of Goodall Barnett James is: 336 7396 69.

Goodall Barnett James maintains professional indemnity insurance.